Solutions for the Medical Industry

Our Clients

Our clients are more than customers; they are our partners and collaborators. It’s this team relationship that allows us to go above and beyond fabrication to see the bigger picture of every project. We know every part is critical to the success of the whole, and the success of our clients.

From improving household and business products, to defending the nation, to helping advance life-saving medical technologies, Harva Company, Inc. is proud to have an incredible family of clients working to improve all our lives, every day.

Some of our major clients include:

Military and Aerospace

BAE Systems Controls, Inc.
General Dynamics
General Electric Company
Lockheed Martin Corp.
UFC Aerospace Corp.


Centurion Medical Corp.
Fresenius Medical Care
Opto Generic Devices
SmartPill Corp

Food Services

Hannaford Bros. Co.
Sodexo Equipment Solutions
Taylor Freezer of Albany, Inc.
Golub Corporation


Audiosears Corp.
Harman Music Group
Lexicon, Inc.
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.


ADT Security Systems
Eastman Kodak Company
European American Industries
IBM Corp.
Pitney-Bowes, Inc.
D&K Custom Machine Design
Honeywell Life Safety